Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Taking the team to victory, and other inspiring stories.

The Real Alta inter-mural soccer team just rocked it big time at their Championship game tonight!  And the one and only Alysa Kick Butt Davis captained the team on to victory!

We were so proud of our wonderful roommate for making it into the championship, that we actually took the time to make her signs!  Three, in fact....

The signs so perfectly read, "We don't have the king, we don't have the pope, but we have the Altalopes!"  Yes you are reading that correctly, it's ALTAlopes!

These signs most miraculously brought the team on to victory as they scored the winning point during over time!  Excitement and joy was had by all.

The lucky signs now hang lovingly on our living room wall, reminding us to never take a day for granted.  To shoot for the stars, because even if we miss, at least well, there we are.  And lastly, that if we build a man a fire we warm him for a night, but if we set a man on fire we can warm him for a lifetime.  Such inspiration...

 Real Alta aka, "The Altalopes"  

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