Thursday, April 12, 2012

I can be your hero, baby...

Alysa Davis is in the house, and I thank all that's good and holy for that!  Because if she wasn't home, who would be here to help save me from the spiders that decided to infiltrate our living room?!

I have a general rule when it comes to spiders, it's kinda like a pact of sorts.  I tell them(sometimes out loud) that if they stay out of my reach and I don't see them move, then they can live.  BUT as soon as they start crawling across the ceiling or down the wall, I will shoot them!  Or, I'll scream bloody murder until Alysa comes to save the day. . .  Which is exactly what went down 20 minutes ago.

I was recounting my dream about spiders last night to Brittany, when all of a sudden she points to the corner of the room where there's an itty bitty spider. This doesn't truly concern me until I look up and see a slightly larger spider crawling across the ceiling, IN MY DIRECTION!  Oh hecks to the no.  I don't think so little spider...  So naturally Brit and I start freaking out, and that's when we spot another spider in another corner! Let's just say screaming and hyperventilation ensued...

Alysa then swooped in to save the day and crushed each of those spiders into oblivion.  She is truly my hero!

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