Tuesday, December 11, 2012

To the former ladies of 113 :)

"You're gonna look that woman in the eye and tell her.... how much... you hate her..."
I hate you all.
I love you all, through the Alps and Ukraine and Florida and Brazil and Washington all the way back to Provo.


Alysa this is for you!!! Or should I say Sister Davis...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad...

I simply remember my favorite things.  Let me begin:

My old roommies: Olivia, Brittany and Lindsey.  May they rest in peace.

My current roommies, whom I am very far away from: Alysa, Emily and random Brazilian girl number 1. 

Provo during Spring.

Hanging out at the drop of a hat when I'm bored. 

Bugging people by "criticizing" everything they like.  ;)

Laughing my head off at my friend's random antics.

Sunday night murder...

Speculating who's going to start dating.

Sneaking giant Dr. Peppers into the movie theater.

and so much more...

I miss me some Alta! 

Keep it real, and I'll see ya when I see ya!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The 7 Days of . . . Jimmer?

Emoney has already chronicled our failed attempts at getting people to prank us back when we engineer incredible, Oh-so fantastic pranks.

Current case in point: Jimmer

Not so many weeks ago, Alysa, by some small chance of fate, swiped a certain boy's keys. First thought that went through any of our minds when we found out was "PRANK WAR!"

Emily's Prank Idea #1: Let's steal their JIMMER poster!
Alysa: And then let's replace it with a Disney princess poster!

Done and done.

The prank went off beautifully. We weren't caught at all. Sneaky and sly. It was awesome.

We ran victoriously home, taped Jimmer up in our room and waited. And . . . waited. aannnnndddd waited.
Weeks later, they still hadn't pranked us back. All we got in recognition of our efforts was two measly nice notes addressed to Jimmer saying "I miss you. Come home soon." So, Alysa and I decided to take matters into our own hands. Alysa had the idea of a ransom note. I had the idea of having not just one item, but a ransom for every day of the week.

Hours and several cut-up magazines later, we taped a two-sided ransom note to the boys' apartment. Finally, ten minutes later, we [FINALLY] got a reaction.

Boy: "I can't read this . . ."
Alysa: "Well, you better try harder. Jimmer is on the line."

Apparently, they listened to that one.

Monday (before sunset):
[Knock on the door]
The door was opened to find . . . a CAN of pineapple. Not, as was demanded, "one pineapple", but canned pineapple several hours before the appointed time of sunset.
We told the boys they had to step it up.

Tuesday (after sunset):
[Knock on the door so loud that it scared Alysa to death]
The door was opened to find . . . a delicious edible green tropical nut pudding mix topped with oreos and filled with gummi worms. In other words: turf (the legal kind). (Because turf from Lavell Edwards Stadium would have been pushing the envelope.) (Just a little.)

Today is Wednesday. It's 6:00 p.m. exactly (only 2.5 hours more till sunset--if their ransom offerings actually ever show up on time) and I am not leaving the apartment until Day 3's ransom is received. It had better be good.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I can be your hero, baby...

Alysa Davis is in the house, and I thank all that's good and holy for that!  Because if she wasn't home, who would be here to help save me from the spiders that decided to infiltrate our living room?!

I have a general rule when it comes to spiders, it's kinda like a pact of sorts.  I tell them(sometimes out loud) that if they stay out of my reach and I don't see them move, then they can live.  BUT as soon as they start crawling across the ceiling or down the wall, I will shoot them!  Or, I'll scream bloody murder until Alysa comes to save the day. . .  Which is exactly what went down 20 minutes ago.

I was recounting my dream about spiders last night to Brittany, when all of a sudden she points to the corner of the room where there's an itty bitty spider. This doesn't truly concern me until I look up and see a slightly larger spider crawling across the ceiling, IN MY DIRECTION!  Oh hecks to the no.  I don't think so little spider...  So naturally Brit and I start freaking out, and that's when we spot another spider in another corner! Let's just say screaming and hyperventilation ensued...

Alysa then swooped in to save the day and crushed each of those spiders into oblivion.  She is truly my hero!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Taking the team to victory, and other inspiring stories.

The Real Alta inter-mural soccer team just rocked it big time at their Championship game tonight!  And the one and only Alysa Kick Butt Davis captained the team on to victory!

We were so proud of our wonderful roommate for making it into the championship, that we actually took the time to make her signs!  Three, in fact....

The signs so perfectly read, "We don't have the king, we don't have the pope, but we have the Altalopes!"  Yes you are reading that correctly, it's ALTAlopes!

These signs most miraculously brought the team on to victory as they scored the winning point during over time!  Excitement and joy was had by all.

The lucky signs now hang lovingly on our living room wall, reminding us to never take a day for granted.  To shoot for the stars, because even if we miss, at least well, there we are.  And lastly, that if we build a man a fire we warm him for a night, but if we set a man on fire we can warm him for a lifetime.  Such inspiration...

 Real Alta aka, "The Altalopes"  

Saturday, March 31, 2012

pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom!

This blog is great... except there are hardly any pictures of me. So its time to fix this. Also, there are no pictures of Em, which I guess also is too bad... so we'll include her too. 
PLUS-- Who doesn't wanna hear about one of the greatest adventures of 113? The story goes like this:

There were once six animals. A leopard, an elephant, a flamingo, a baboon, a zebra, and a lion. Although- instinctually- some of these animals were natural enemies, there was a strong friendship betwixt the six. 

It was one fantastic evening the foe-turned-friends came together for a celebration. United in their love for animation, music, and humor; the animals primped their manes and slicked their fur to prepare for their honoring of... the Lion King!

All gleaming and exquisite, the animals ran together, to the great Wynnsong Savannah. Other animals watched them pass, and they regarded them with curiosity for their friendship and admiration for their moxie. 

Around the great pop-nafaka tree, under the canopy of the night sky, they sung and danced for the Lion King. The curious mixture of their animal calls burst across the Savannah as they sang their song:

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba  
Sithi uhm ingonyama           

Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama

Siyo Nqoba                    
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala 

The jubilee lasted till late in the night, until the great sun rose over the golden plains of the Wynnsong. In tired but happy spirits, the animals returned to their dwelling, called Mia moa kumi na tatu.
Days passed, and life wore on for each animal. The neverending search for food and a mate sometimes wore them and their friendship down. But each animal will always remember the starlit night and how they celebrated the Lion King, with perfect friendship. 

Okay, so I'm not a very good story writer. But its true, and that is really how it happened! 
Here are some pictures, as proof:

  Oh, those are some fine looking animals. Why they all don't have eternal mates yet is beyond any living creature, but you don't just wanna pick whatever will shout a mating call your way. No, only the very best of the Savannah for these ladies. Nawapenda marafiki zangu!