Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The 7 Days of . . . Jimmer?

Emoney has already chronicled our failed attempts at getting people to prank us back when we engineer incredible, Oh-so fantastic pranks.

Current case in point: Jimmer

Not so many weeks ago, Alysa, by some small chance of fate, swiped a certain boy's keys. First thought that went through any of our minds when we found out was "PRANK WAR!"

Emily's Prank Idea #1: Let's steal their JIMMER poster!
Alysa: And then let's replace it with a Disney princess poster!

Done and done.

The prank went off beautifully. We weren't caught at all. Sneaky and sly. It was awesome.

We ran victoriously home, taped Jimmer up in our room and waited. And . . . waited. aannnnndddd waited.
Weeks later, they still hadn't pranked us back. All we got in recognition of our efforts was two measly nice notes addressed to Jimmer saying "I miss you. Come home soon." So, Alysa and I decided to take matters into our own hands. Alysa had the idea of a ransom note. I had the idea of having not just one item, but a ransom for every day of the week.

Hours and several cut-up magazines later, we taped a two-sided ransom note to the boys' apartment. Finally, ten minutes later, we [FINALLY] got a reaction.

Boy: "I can't read this . . ."
Alysa: "Well, you better try harder. Jimmer is on the line."

Apparently, they listened to that one.

Monday (before sunset):
[Knock on the door]
The door was opened to find . . . a CAN of pineapple. Not, as was demanded, "one pineapple", but canned pineapple several hours before the appointed time of sunset.
We told the boys they had to step it up.

Tuesday (after sunset):
[Knock on the door so loud that it scared Alysa to death]
The door was opened to find . . . a delicious edible green tropical nut pudding mix topped with oreos and filled with gummi worms. In other words: turf (the legal kind). (Because turf from Lavell Edwards Stadium would have been pushing the envelope.) (Just a little.)

Today is Wednesday. It's 6:00 p.m. exactly (only 2.5 hours more till sunset--if their ransom offerings actually ever show up on time) and I am not leaving the apartment until Day 3's ransom is received. It had better be good.

1 comment:

  1. What ever became of the final days of The 7 Days of Jimmer?! I'm dying from the suspense!
